Celebrated a Work Anniversary
Today marks 14 years since I started my journey at Zoho. ❤️

My heart is filled with a deep sense of gratitude for all the learning, unlearning and growth I’ve experienced along the way. #Zohoversary

I’m super-grateful for:

🌟 The space to build, learn and work on things I believe in. 

🌟 Getting to work and create every single day with an incredibly talented team whom I continue to learn and feel inspired from. 

🌟 The freedom to fail, and to make mistakes I can learn from.

The past few years have been fabulous and I couldn’t have asked for more. 🙏🏼

I feel humbled to have made it this far thanks to the support of kind mentors who continue to encourage me and show faith in my crazy ideas.

When you get to work on solving problems you’re passionate about, time really does seems to fly. 

I’m so excited for the journey ahead and for all the amazing stuff we hope to bring into the world soon.  🚀