
This package is meant to provide you, with a set of tools to help you easily and quickly build your own Laravel API. While the goal of this package is to remain as flexible as possible it still won...
Got part of the Magento Community Maintainers team. https://community.magento.com/t5/Magento-DevBlog/Community-Engineering-Newsletter-July-16-20-2018/ba-p/100559
Was among the top 50 Magento contributors in 2018 https://magento.com/es/node/3778
Won the 2019 Magento Community Spirit Award https://magento.com/blog/events/announcing-2019-community-spirit-award-winners
Slides from my talk at Meet Magento Switzerland https://speakerdeck.com/mhauri/install-magento-with-composer-1
My Slides from my Talk at the Meet Magento Switzerland https://speakerdeck.com/mhauri/import-data-from-pim-and-other-systems-lessons-learned
Slides from my presentation at Meet Magento Netherlands https://speakerdeck.com/mhauri/mm16nl-import-data-lessons-learned
Slides from my talk at Meet Magento Germany https://speakerdeck.com/mhauri/mm17de-magento-2-in-production
Was interviewed by Magenticians https://web.archive.org/web/20210226214213/https://magenticians.com/marcel-hauri-interview/
I wrote a blog post about my experience at Magento Live in Barcelona. https://medium.com/staempfli/r%C3%BCckblick-auf-die-magentolive-europe-4103c5d0bae2
I wrote a blog post about my experience at the Mage Unconference in Cologne, Germany. https://medium.com/staempfli/mageunconference-2017-in-k%C3%B6ln-ein-r%C3%BCckblick-cf899b30a2dd
I wrote a blog post about my experience at Meet Magento in the Netherlands. https://medium.com/staempfli/meet-magento-nl-2016-ein-r%C3%BCckblick-322cfe07ed73
Huh, something's changed, find out why. https://marcelhauri.ch/blog/what-happened/
I wrote about extending gatsby-remark-prismjs with your own extension. https://marcelhauri.ch/blog/how-to-colorize-a-tree-output-in-gatsbys-prism-plugin/
I wrote about why I turned off Magestats. https://marcelhauri.ch/blog/shutting-down-magestats/
15 months after the relaunch, there is still no way to search for articles on the 20 Minuten website. Let's fix it! https://marcelhauri.ch/blog/the-missing-20-minuten-search-function/
base45 is a PHP based base45 encoder/decoder that is fully compatible with draft-faltstrom-base45-03. Introduction When using QR or Aztec codes a different encoding scheme is needed than the alread...
20sec - The missing «20 Minuten» search function After 13 months of development, 20 Minuten presented itself with a new digital presence at the end of April 2020. The search function was missing si...
I'm super excited to check out Polywork as one of the first early adopters.