Props Prepared For A Mix & Match

Food Stylist
Art direction

Following standard procedure, each client has a set guideline for the brand pillars and image. On this particular content plan, we were tasked to promote the exclusive dishes from their new coffee house – which presented a varied aesthetic from their typical outlets.

The food was different but remained in the realm of similar dish types: toast and stir-fried local favourites. To showcase the dishes as they are from the outlets, the plating was already done by their in-house chefs.

Although the modest shift to white floral plates may seem minute, it significantly impacted the overall image. At that moment, I felt a sense of accomplishment for building the prop inventory with a variety of mild and versatile backdrops that would work for this shoot. There were many unexpected readjustments on the dish placements but we managed.

It’s always worthwhile to select props that can work in more contexts. The blue Nyonya-esque tiles remain my personal favourite – for their bright effervescent appeal.