The Proof Is In The Test Cook

Food Stylist
Prop Master

I was excited about this shoot because it was my first time producing recipe content. My colleague came to me about pitching a recipe that involved unconventionally remodelling the product. Despite doubts from various parties, we set out to prove this concept with a test cook.

The product was a readymade beef patty to be cooked as is. The apprehension pertained to the feasibility of remoulding the frozen patty after a complete thaw. I conducted a successful test cook, accomplishing the proof of concept required for client approval.

I had conducted a few trial runs playing with different patty temperatures and cook times. With each attempt, I would observe more nuances and tips handy for me to advise our hired hand talent. I experimented with a few variations to portion each component and the specific melt of the cheese before settling on the final presentation.

There’s always an adjustment when cooking in the kitchen of another so practice and familiarisation was key for me. Overall, I was pleased with the final result and would call it a success. What are your thoughts?