
Aaply: My new love
Starting a stealth open source project. Using Go (Golang) for the implementation
Contributed to Toha, an open source Hugo theme! My feature allows users to add any customized logo and link in the contact footer. https://github.com/hugo-toha/toha/pull/640
Starting as a Teaching Assistant at Carnegie Mellon University's Integrated Innovation Institute! • Teaching Assistant for the Software Engineering Management course in the Masters of Science in So...
Received Resume feedback from Devesh! Great insights around the layout and the form, making it clearer and more eye catching. Thank you @Devesh!
Gave feedback on Maker Box's landing page and produc prior to their go-live on Product Hunt. Check out what their team has build here: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/makerbox
Demo'd Care.io's new product and had a great conversation with Dima about the company and possible improvements i could see. Proud to say I am not burnt out yet 💪 Good luck to the Care team! Excite...
My previous start up, Sweater Planet (prev. The Sweater Guys) has been acquired! Excited to see how the technology is used in the future!
Released a fix for a breaking change in Svelte-kit. Svelte recently released svelte-kit v-2.0.0 which caused a breaking change in my sveltekit-adapter-chrome-extension. Just released a backwards co...
Started learning Flutter! Excited to see what I'll be able to build with it!
I went too quickly in my previous post about my product management adventure (link in the comments).... I jumped the gun and started talking about implementation. The truth of it is that there are ...
This Winter break, I embarked on a journey to apply what I've learned so far about Product Management during my first semester at Carnegie Mellon University Silicon Valley. The best way I found to ...
My contribution to svelte-seo just got merged into master! https://github.com/artiebits/svelte-seo/pull/23#event-5916232716
Created an open source SvelteKit adapter to compile svelte kit projects for Extensions using manifest v3: https://github.com/michmich112/sveltekit-adapter-chrome-extension
My contribution to svelte-chartjs has just been merged! https://github.com/SauravKanchan/svelte-chartjs/pull/19
My Friends over at Neat made an amazing GitHub Wrapped app, completely open sourced. Check it out at https://wrapped.run Here is my Github Wrapped for 2021! 🥳
Reached a milestone for 1000 contributions in the past year on Github!
Initial Beta Release of Github Action Stats Platform! `v0.1.1-beta` Github actions are amazing for creating tools for yourself and others. But making those actions into amazing products are difficu...
Started the Masters in Software Management program at Carnegie Mellon University Silicon Valley.
Developing a product with Svelte 3 Github action developers have one big problem: They have no analytics and metrics on the use of their actions. This platform will allows developers to see the usa...