I always love a chance to talk books and writings. Vulgar Geniuses is one of my fave book podcasts. https://anchor.fm/vulgargeniuses/episodes/Minda-Honey-e1heri3/a-a7pn28d
I totally forgot to share this piece I did on Black women and Twitter and the ~new~ social media app, Somewhere Good. https://andscape.com/features/where-will-black-women-gather-in-the-post-twitter...
Hi y'all, a piece I wrote about Black woman singlehood for ESPN's The Undefeated went viral earlier this week. If you haven't already, check it out. I'm feeling proud because it's first thing I've ...
The Undefeated very kindly let me write about social media, who gets to be desired and Shock G. RIP to a legend. https://theundefeated.com/features/for-shock-g-the-man-who-made-room-for-everyone-on...
I wrote an essay for Catapult about my journey as a writer (and why you don't need an MFA to become one!). As cliché as it might sound, it's all about believing in yourself. It's been popping on Tw...
"Concave writing is writing that goes deep and makes room for the reader to stand in that depth, like a crescent. A crescent is also a helpful way to think about this kind of writing because, as yo...