Miranda Zimmerman
  • @miranda_zimmerma

Hi, I am Miranda. The founder of Rayel & Company is a nonprofit consulting firm dedicated to accelerating the growth and impact of businesses. We provide expert consulting services in the areas of financial management, operations, and fundraising. Our team of experienced professionals has a wealth of knowledge and skills to help nonprofit organizations increase their revenue and achieve sustainable growth.

We understand organizations' unique challenges face, and we work closely with our clients to develop customized solutions that meet their specific needs. Our approach emphasizes collaboration, transparency, and measurable results.

We offer a range of services, including financial management consulting, operational assessments and improvement plans, fundraising strategy and execution, and management training and coaching.

Our mission is to empower organizations to achieve their fullest potential and make a greater positive impact in their communities. We are committed to providing the highest level of service and delivering measurable results that make a real difference in the lives of those we serve.

Business model

Our business model for helping other businesses and corporations is based on providing strategic consulting services in the areas of sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR). We work with companies to assess their current practices and develop a plan to improve their environmental and social impact.

We offer a range of services, including sustainability assessments, carbon footprint reduction plans, and CSR strategy development. We can also help companies communicate their sustainability efforts to stakeholders, through sustainability reports and other communication materials.

We generate revenue through consulting fees for our services, and we also offer ongoing support and training to ensure that our clients can continue to improve their sustainability practices over time.

Additionally, we also provide advisory and expertise on the specific field they want to invest in to give them the best approach to approach their philanthropy initiatives

Our business model aligns with the trend of increasing demand for companies to show responsibility and accountability for their impact on society and the environment. By helping businesses and corporations improve their sustainability and CSR practices, we can make a positive impact in the world and also help them increase reputation and appeal for their customer and employee retention.

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I'm open to
giving resume feedback,
guest lecturing,
joining company boards,
open source contributions,
participating in user research,
speaking at events,
speaking on podcasts,
beta testing new products,
freelance roles,
advising companies,
partnering on side projects,
content creation,
organizing a hackathon,
teaching ai,
designing brands,
designing logos,
designing pitch decks,
appearing in videos,
appearing in music videos,
editing books,
editing videos,
instagram collaborations,
live streaming,
speaking on clubhouse,
streaming on youtube,
youtube collaborations,
writing blog posts,
coaching founders,
co-founding a company,
giving fundraising advice,
giving product reviews,
raising funding,
advising early stage companies,
advising late stage companies,
fractional executive roles,
fundraising for non-profits,
mock interviewing,
being a brand ambassador,
brand partnership,
brand strategy consulting,
email marketing consulting,
giving feedback on marketing copy,
organizing marketing campaigns,
planning digital ad campaigns,
social media management,
giving book recommendations,
giving travel advice,
grabbing a coffee,
joining a book club,
joining discords,
joining parent groups,
moderating discord channels,
wedding planning,
giving music feedback,
giving feedback,
giving college application feedback,
giving portfolio feedback,
giving product feedback,
making introductions,
talking to journalists,
full time roles,
reviewing book proposals,
tiktok collaborations,
talent scouting,
student projects,
study sessions,
peer editing,
advising on seo,
business partnerships,
career coaching,
making videos,
melody loop submissions,
moderating clubs,
new business leads,
new client inquiries,
new roles,
organizing events,
part time roles,
practicing a new language,
practicing yoga,
providing translations,
research projects,
starting new open source projects,
and tutoring.
Contact Me


Feb 2023 - Present

Director , Self-employed