Launching Behere / Crowdfund

Founded a new company
Started a crowdfunding raise
Built something new

Hello Polyworkers! 👋🤙
Excited to be a part of this new Polyworking community. As someone with a diverse skillset that has been difficult to package at times — I definitely appreciate where this is going!

The past few months have had a particular focus on Launching Behere — where the future of education meets the future of work, designed around WELLNESS. I've been working on this with my wife and business partner, Brooke Lawler, along with our Guides at Behere. We are providing outdoor enrichment education to children in Thousand Oaks, CA with a vision for providing enrichment for coworking parents and children together on the same soil, around an ultra-nutritions lunch in the middle of the day.

We're currently crowdfunding with community-friendly terms to secure our next 6 months of runway. Check us out on Wefunder!Â