Hi. My name is Morganna, aka Morgs or Morgio. My pronouns are she/her.

I have been working as a Developer Relations since March 2022, but I am a Developer since 2016 and I am passionate about sharing knowledge with tech communities, which I met and I have been participating since 2017. That is how I found myself as a DevRel.

It was the communities that sparked my interest in creating content, organizing events, moderating communities, and mentoring people, mainly focusing on diversity. I had this experience coordinating communities back in 2017, with the co-creation of CaquiCoders in Alto Tietê and Vale do Paraíba, both regions of São Paulo. Even though I already participated in other communities, after getting to know Caverna, I had the opportunity to co-create Feministech and Kotlinautas, both communities that I have been helping and organizing since 2021. Because of that, I started to be part of Mlkda da DeepWeb, a podcast that we talk about tech in a fun way.

Because of my work in communities and having officially started in the role of Developer Relations, I started to participate as a moderator in a mentorship for people who are interested in the DevRel area or already work, called abacatinhos.dev.

Due to all my contributions to the tech communities, I received the award and recognition in 2022 as Alura Star, an initiative to strengthen and expand the developer community in Brazil.
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