Speaking or Tech Talks

Papo sobre Call for Papers - Feministech
Workshop de stars: Call for Papers
Desafios e aprendizados de ser a primeira DevRel em uma empresa
Apresentação: Estratégias de marketing para educação e conteúdo
Painel – DevRel e Comunidade
Conversa com a Uni-FACEF em visita ao C6 Bank Fui convidada junto a outros profissionais de tecnologia do C6 Bank a conversar com alunes da Uni-FACEF que realizaram uma visita técnica ao C6 Bank pa...
Palestra: Mulheres na Tecnologia Tive a oportunidade de fazer uma palestra e um bate papo sobre mulheres na tecnologia na ETEC de Itaquaquecetuba a convite do Professor Thiago. Link dos slides: htt...
Palestra "Vamos conversar sobre Developer Relations" no Meetup #2 da comunidade Thasfin Link dos slides: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFMsADDaTA/BhmPOkFF5nPtmPwKM7oKwA/view?utm_content=DAFMsADDaTA...
Masterclass sobre DevRel na escola online EBAC Realizei uma apresentação para alunos de diversos cursos de tecnologia da escola EBAC sobre a carreira de uma pessoa DevRel, contando um pouco da minh...
Live: Por que precisamos de mais mulheres na área tecnológica? Tive a honra de participar de uma live com a Pachi Codes junto com Tauan Matos no Instagram da galera da Mais1Code. Link da live que f...
Codecon - Painel: Para que serve, afinal, o DevRel? Participei do painel como host, junto à Pachi Codes e Jess Temporal. Link: https://www.codecon.dev/programacao/pra-que-serve-o-devrel
Bate papo: Carreira como Dev Relations Live no instagram da @spacecoding. Link da live: https://www.instagram.com/p/CgXvyVlgLH3/
Palestra - Frontin Sampa Dia 16/07/2022, eu tive a honra de participar do evento Frontin Sampa e também palestrar sobre DevRel, minha atual profissão e uma área que eu me apaixonei dentro da tecnol...
Palestra - I Evento de Tecnologia Hibrido do Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia do Piauí-Campus Pedro II Tive a honra de receber um convite do Victor Castro para participar do I Eve...
Das dificuldades as ações: O papel da mulher na T.I Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fMhCbhfAPk
GitHub Presente! No dia 30 de março de 2022, participei do evento GitHub Presente! como palestrante e levei o tema "O mundo Kotlin no backend". Link do evento: https://www.meetup.com/pt-BR/GitHubBr...
Roda de conversa - Carreira e backend - Challenge Back-end Alura No dia 29/03/2022, aconteceu uma conversa relacionada ao evento Challenge Back-end para pessoas estudantes da Alura, onde pude compa...
Live coding: Começando no lado backend da força com Kotlin Live no canal da Alura para falar sobre backend e Kotlin. Slides: https://www.canva.com/design/DAE7P_4w6uk/t-WRCclpaNAsE6r7OUlS6Q/view?utm...
Programação Além do Código: Uma Conversa Sobre Programar com Morganna Giovanelli e Letícia Garcez Neste vídeo, conversamos sobre programação, aprendizado, carreira, comunidades e tudo que há de bom...
O universo das comunidades e o impacto em nossas vidas Foi apresentado o conteúdo da apresentação abaixo sobre o universo das comunidades e o impacto em nossas vidas no C6 Bank. Link: https://www.c...
Desenvolvimento Kotlin é pra você Link do evento: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Os04Nu7XN6E
Desenvolvimento com Kotlin | Hipsters.Talks Link do evento: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKYDpbO5KcI
Campus Party 2021 - Know the backend side of the force with Kotlin Presentation: I talked about kotlin and backend to beginners. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbmaaCALCKM Slides: https://w...
II Live Coders Girls BR Presentation: I spoke about how to start coding in backend with Kotlin. Slides: https://www.canva.com/design/DAEP8Rtk6nY/wVvG9Z8N-Wcb7trV2HwekQ/view?utm_content=DAEP8Rtk6nY&...
Starting a developer career as a woman Presentation: Amanda Avila and I presented this topic in two events: Meetup Ada Lovelace Day 2019 at C6 Bank and RubyConf 2019. Slides: https://pt.slideshare....
Programming Logic and the magic of coding in any language Presentation: meetup about Programming Logic for the NerdGirlz community that happened on 7/6/2019. Slides: https://pt.slideshare.net/morga...
Unraveling the Technology Universe Presentation: I spoke at FATEC Mogi das Cruzes on 02/08/2019 to welcome new students from the Systems Analysis and Development course. On the occasion, we talked ...
Unraveling Git and Github - WoMakersCode Bootcamp Presentation: WoMakersCode community event with São Paulo Tech Week on 11/24/2018 at São Judas University. A hands-on workshop about Git and Github...
Why we created a community and how it impacted our lives Presentation: Letícia Pedroso and I talked about the history of the CaquiCoders community, experiences that we had as part of the team of fo...
Academic life, career, communities and all that is good Presentation: Presentation for ETEC Ferraz de Vasconcelos students (from the Integrated High School and Computer Technician course) to talk a...
Backend Developer Career In this panel, Danielly, Jessica and I explained how was the process to start the career of backend developer. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dYrHEnhxF4
Chamaeu with Morganna Giovanelli - Community and Stack Change !chamaeu is a pokemaobr live program the idea is to bring people who frequent the live chat to talk about technology and related topics...
The Velopers #29 - Morganna Giovanelli I was interviewed by Rodrigo Pokemaobr on The Velopers program at iMasters company and talked about career development, C#, the creation of CaquiCoders Commun...
Career, Communities and Future Presentation: Alexandre Malavasi, Claudiney Junior and I spoke about IT, career possibilities in this area and where to start. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...
Nerd World - Academic Life, Career, Communities, Hackathon and more Presentation: Presentation used on August 15, 2018 by Letícia Pedroso and I for students from ETEC Uirapuru (from the integrated ...
College, career, community and all that is good Presentation: FATEC in Mogi das Cruzes Talk for students entering the Systems Analysis and Development course on August 3, 2018. Slides: https://pt.s...
What is hackathon and how to join one? Presentation: Online meetup of the CaquiCoders community on July 18, 2018 about Hackathon, presented by Jessica Felix and I. Slides: https://pt.slideshare.net...
Campus Party 10 - 2017 Presentation: First participation in a hackathon, where I met amazing people. It was a sensational immersion into the world of technology in one of the craziest weeks I've ev...
Azure DevTest Labs Presentation: Developers-SP community meetup called "O Palco é Delas!", in honor of the month of women. Jaqueline Ramos and I spoke about DevOps, the importance of testing using ...
Azure Functions Presentation: It Talks Meetup - Nerd Christmas - Developers SP Community at Senai Santa Cecília on 12/02/2017. Slides: https://pt.slideshare.net/morgannagiovanellidesouza/azure-func...
Agile transformation with scrum Presentation: Nerdzão Day event at IBM Brasil on 08/12/2017. Slides: https://pt.slideshare.net/morgannagiovanellidesouza/a-transformao-gil-com-scrum-78803897
Agile transformation with scrum Presentation: GDG-SP Meetup at 7Comm Company on 07/17/2017. Slides: https://pt.slideshare.net/morgannagiovanellidesouza/a-transformao-gil-com-scrum-78389787
Wordpress and Scrum Presentation: Wordpress SP community on Meetup (07/29/2017). Slides: https://pt.slideshare.net/morgannagiovanellidesouza/metodologias-geis-no-desenvolvimento-wordpress