Published a project
Updated a GitHub repository
Designed website
Updated GitHub profile readme
Built an app
Built MERN website
MERN Stack

Updating Projects : Continued

Continuing to update my GA portfolio - I finalized updating the README's for my GitHub projects, including an organisational app that my group created called Organise.

Tech Stack
Our group used the MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node) to build out the app's front-end and back-end.

About Organise  📁
The app- Organise - is a task management application similar to Trello that allows users to create groups based on events, and tasks to-do.
The user can make friends and allocate friends to the groups that they own in order to create private parties.

Our simple and intuitive design allows users to increase their productivity on a given task by effectively organizing the planning of events in a clear and methodical way.

The app's bright and tidy interface, offers multiple ways to structure each task, including adding specific categories with tasks nested within them, allowing users to prioritize an item.

Have a Look 👀
Want to have a look at the app? Visit the site 👉

Suggestions Welcome!
Checkout my team's READme and please send us any suggestions 👉