Mauricio Sialer
  • @msialer
  • Digital Product & CX @ Amazon · IESE MBA
  • He/Him/El

In a nutshell: I like building cool stuff with awesome people.

I'm passionate about technology's potential to improve the way we live and work. From buildings to ventures to digital products, my career has always been about assembling talented teams and bringing innovative projects to life.

Let's connect and build something amazing together!

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Company Founded
Apps Designed
Years in Product


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Sep 2021 - Present

Senior Product Manager · 3P Marketplace, Amazon

Apr 2021 - Aug 2021

Senior Product Owner · New Digital Products, Pacifico Seguros

Sep 2020 - Mar 2021

Senior Manager · Performance Management and Profitability, BBVA

Apr 2020 - Jul 2020

Product Manager · Credit Card, B89

Companies I've worked with