Things I’ve built

Got my first design patent (352890-001) published in the Indian Patent Office (Journal 52/2021).
Won Best Overall Hack and Best use of AssemblyAI API at BostonHacks by Boston University for developing HearAssist!
PresentQuick is a tool that can convert a long article or research paper into a simple presentation, that makes it easier to understand. It uses NLP to analyze long pieces of content and recollects...
Won Best Undercover Hack at Agent:Hacker by Major League Hacking for developing DigiDrop.
Got my patent titled "System and Method for Contact Less Disinfection of Public Places" published in the Indian Patent Office. Application: 202111039747
Got my patent titled "Aerial Healthcare Management Device" published in the Indian Patent Office. Application: 202111030733
Won Hack for the Wild at WildHacks by Major League Hacking for developing WildAware!
Got my first peer-reviewed research paper published in GeoJournal (Springer Science+Business Media). Check it out here!
Launched QuickSesh on Product Hunt! 🚀 QuickSesh is a website to join/create random study sessions, which started off as a normal project during MLH INIT but since the idea seemed commendable, I tho...
Developed Seek the Blahaj at Hack-cade by Major League Hacking.
Developed HomeHub at RUHacks 2021, which is Ryerson University's annual hackathon.
Got a patent published for "Vehicle Theft Recovery System" in the Indian Patent Office. (Page: 31)
Got a patent published for "An Accident Detection System and Method" in the Indian Patent Office. (Page: 25)
Got a Patent published for "Sanitizing Apparatus and Method for Dispensing Sanitizer Solution" in the Indian Patent Office. (Page: 55)