Nemwel Nyandoro
  • @nemwelb
  • Front End Web Developer | Microverse student.
  • Nairobi, Kenya
  • He/ Him
Hello! My name is Nemwel, an open-source enthusiast with a love for clean code and accessible design, pair-programming, and remote work aficionado, I'm currently completing full-stack coursework at Microverse, a remote software development school that allows devs from all over the world to pair-program and build projects together. I've spent the last several months working on a number of projects ranging from a landing page to, web applications using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, React, Redux, Sass, and Bootstrap.

Front-End: JavaScript, React, Redux, HTML5, CSS3
Tools & Methods: Git, GitHub, Heroku, Netlify, Chrome Dev Tools
Professional: Remote Pair-Programming, Teamwork, Mentoring, Collaboration 

I am interested in working as a Front-End web developer for startups or product-based remote companies.

Looking for a developer? Let's schedule a Zoom chat! Send me an e-mail at or check out my profile at
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