Nicky Montana
  • @nickymontana
Nicky Montana is a venture partner at Mizmaa Ventures. He was the founder and CEO of a
high-growth ​​gaming start-up backed by Paul Graham and Y Combinator, which was acquired by
fuboTv (NSDQ: $FUBO) in 2020.
Nicky is a Y Combinator alum, works closely with several YC companies as an advisor, and is
an angel investor in 30+ companies. He scouts and invests alongside Liquid2 Ventures and
Sahil Lavingia (employee #2 at Pinterest), as well as collaborating with his many relationships
with top early-stage and growth-stage venture firms in Silicon Valley.
Nicky is an active angel investor, adviser, and helps founders at the idea stage and beyond with
fundraising, founder advice, recruiting, and partnerships.
Since selling his company, he joined LoanSnap ($64m in funding) to lead their business
development efforts to secure non-bank debt for the company. He launched a Defi financial
product, successfully fundraised, which added $50m more in monthly capacity for the company.
Nicky will be living in Israel working with Mizmaa’s existing and future portfolio companies,
scouting new deals, and helping Israeli companies break into the US ecosystem.
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