Open Source

It’s not all the pieces,t all the pieces, but this is the big chunk of work for getting Remix to work on the edge on Netlify. but this is the big chunk of work for getting Rekix to work on the edge...
Brandon Roberts, Senior Software Engineer at OpenSauced, joined me on my Twitch stream to discuss Angular, NgRx, Analog & Open Source! We loaded up an app with Analog, and demonstrated some of it's...
I had a great time hanging with Bekah Hawrot Weigel recently where we took a peek at the Deepgram browser extension, fixed a bug, and started working on a proof of concept for a feature improvement...
I got my first pull request to the Open Sauced project merged! 🍕
If you're using the Revue newsletter feature of Twitter, it's apparently being phased out at the end of the year. If you need to grab your old newsletter issues, I got you. https://www.iamdeveloper...
Here's the repository from today's Twitch stream with James Perkins talking about all thinks
Got a nice shoutout on Twitter for some accessibility work I did. Thanks, Noah!
Here's the accompanying project, Svelte Cats, to my stream with Brittney Postma, Getting Started with Svelte.
Thanks to everyone that came to catch my talk at the Eleventy Meetup today! The recording isn't available yet, but here's the blog post I made to show my workflow during the talk, which includes my...
This issue in the Remix repository isn't resolved yet, but it has been really interesting digging into this issue.
I'm pretty happy with all these end-to-end tests I put in place this week for the admin section of a Forem instance. Shoutout to Cypress and cypress-testing-library!
Matt and I continued to build out our GitHub action yesterday that Tweets to a first-time contributor once their pull request is merged into the main branch of a public repository. • We got everyth...
Did some prework to get the project set up to work with inlining SVGs into Preact components. Using the babel-inline-react-svg plugin is fine, but since we use webpack aliases in the project, I had...
Some more fun today on my stream hanging with Matt where we continued to build out our GitHub action for Tweeting to first-time contributors of a repository. • We improved how we query to check if ...
A low effort and high impact pull request to make Forem more accessible.
It was a lot of fun hanging on the GitHub community Twitter Space today discussing GitHub actions and the hackathon. Thanks again for having me Andrea and bdougie! Don't forget to check out the Git...
Giving myself a self-five for this issue where I figured out why a spec was only failing in our CI/CD environment.
I migrated our Storybook to webpack 5 this week. It's already brought us speed improvements, and once Storybook supports other bundlers, like Vite, I'll definitely be moving to that.
A small PR for the Forem project, but one that will save us from shipping code with missing translations.
We had great conversations with Brian Douglas, Director of Developer Advocacy at GitHub, last week on the DEV Twitch stream. We discussed Open Sauced and the GitHub features it leverages, GitHub Ac...
I've been working on improving the Forem Gitpod experience lately so the documentation was due for a refresh as well.
Forem has been using Gitpod for a while now, but the configuration has been broken for I'm not sure how long. Today I merged some bug fixes that gets us back up and running with Gitpod, a super-fas...
I've been working on my Twitch bot, affectionately called the dotca-bot, on and off for my stream. Yesterday's late night stream was me doing some cleanup in the project. If you're looking to get s...
Now the contributors.json file is generated during the build step instead of every time we navigate to the contributors page on
I improved the DB seed script for local development
I upgraded to NEXT.js 11! It was pretty smooth in terms of upgrade path.
Feeling pretty good about this pull request (PR) I just merged to the Forem codebase. It will allow us to still have fast database resets with or without seeded data when running end to end (E2E) t...
Created the a11y-twitter browser extension Small changes to how you use Twitter to promote Tweeting in an accessible manner. For now, it will only prompt once per Tweet to add alt text to an attach...
Changelog: Frontend Edition I talk about some improvements made to the frontend codebase of
Was the first external contributor to contribute to the codebase (now Forem codebase) This DEV Monthly Report post talks about it.
Enabled strict-mode for TypeScript for the Refined GitHub browser extension
Moved the entire Refined GitHub browser extension codebase to TypeScript