My 2021 Highlights

Grew our Polywork team by 175% (and psst... we're still growing) 🙌 🎉
Hit 20K followers on Twitter 🎉
A major feature announcement! Notification Preferences are officially here to help you customize your Polywork experience! This was a top feature request and we’re all in favor of helping you keep ...
You’ll now notice some Suggested Collaborators 👯‍♀️ in your highlight form! We wanted to make it easier for you to tag your most frequent collaborators in Highlights. If you don’t have anyone to co...
A major feature announcement! Collections lets you organize different highlights together into groups to provide the perfect snapshot of the various parts of your professional life. 🗂 Collections g...
One of our most requested features EVER! We released Dark Mode to go easy on those eyes. You can turn it on in your settings menu, if you dare to come over to the dark side...
Also announcing Personalized Invite Links 🔗 - we're making it way easier to invite people to Polywork! Now, instead of sharing a code that your friends or colleagues need to type in, share your per...
Announcing🌪 Profile Filters🌪 !! Profile filters let you filter Polywork profiles by what badge people are posting highlights with. We all have different paths and timelines in our lives.. using the...
Starting today, you can now repost highlights you’ve been tagged as a collaborator. This was a top feature request from the community. It's a super easy way to populate your timeline with one simpl...
Introducing: 🌌 Space Station 🌌 Space Station is a new way for people to find each other on Polywork—including speakers, mentors, investors, content creators, partners for side projects, podcast gue...