Octavalidate Native JS V1.3.2

Building an app

It's been a year now since I developed a form validation library that I call "Octavalidate" to help with validating your web forms.

Octavalidate is a feature-rich ( https://www.cssscript.com/feature-rich-form-validation/ ) validation library that you can integrate into your project in no time.

Well, you might not have noticed that there was actually a bug in the earlier releases of this library that made it difficult to validate big forms.

This bug is due to the fact that event listeners are attached to each form input to make it easy for the script to know whether the input actually passed or failed the validation test. Well, in the case of this bug, the event listeners were attached and never removed after validation, so it freezes the browser.

I'm happy to announce that this bug was resolved in V1.3.2 and this means that you can validate your forms now without hassle.

Where is this library mentioned?

Below are some of the sites that mention octavalidate






And the list continues...

What are you waiting for?

Install and use octavalidate in your project today!
