Developed product strategy
Led product design
Started A New Website Design
Launched Doowit beta version and invited friends to join the site for running a public test. 

I led concept development, product design, UI design, brand identity design and user research for the product. The concept of the product is "Action Curation" which is inspired by our early product BagTheWeb's concept "Content Curation". 

The mission behind the product is developing a new type of digital platform for encouraging real actions. We searched and found a concrete way to turn the concept into a product. 

Doowit is a platform of challenges and actions. By publishing and acting upon challenges, people will be better connected and engaged. In the form of challenges, they take on meaningful endeavors, learn new things, and have more fun.

I also developed a framework called "Structural Engagement Theory" (SET) for internal discussions.

The existing website is beta version which only present the early stage of the plan.