Created a product prototype
Created a decision framework
Published the Career Theme Canvas with a case study: UX (User Experience). This case study can be considered as the product prototype of the Career Theme Canvas.

The canvas is based on the Themes of Practice framework. I started developing the concept of Themes of Practice in 2019 for Curativity Theory.

The purpose of the concept is connecting “life theme” and “culture theme”.

Anthropologist Morris Opler (1945) developed a theoretical “themes” for studying culture. Career counseling therapists and psychologists also developed a theoretical concept called “life theme.” If we put culture themes and life themes together, we see a great debate of social science: “individual — collective”.

I consider Themes of Practice as a process type of concept, not a substance type of concept. Thus, it is not a new category of themes, but a transformational process between individual life themes and collective culture themes. It refers to both concept and action. It connects mind and practice. It indicates the transformation of both person and society.

You can find more details on Medium