
Working on a text-based pediatric counseling app with my mother who is a pediatrician of 25+ years
Received DJ certificate from Istanbul DJ Academy
Started studying Industrial Engineering at Northwestern University
Hosted a series of Clubhouse Talks in Turkish to discuss foolish sounding business ideas and what needs to be true to make them happen
Developed a concierge service for elderly users that consolidates existing transportation, grocery and food, and home related on-demand services (e.g., Lyft, Instacart, Task Rabbit) in one platform...
Received Deloitte’s 2020 Super Talent Award in community and practitioner engagement
Graduate from Northwestern University with a degree in Industrial Engineering
Developed an on-demand reservation app that allows users to find last minute tables at their desired restaurants. Think of Resy
Contributed to a report between Deloitte and Salesforce discussing the societal and business impact of the pandemic https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/pages/about-deloitte/articles/covid-19/four-scena...
Designed and sold year socks for female students of the class of 2013 in my high school. Ran out of stock of 100 socks in day 1
Organized a week-long summer camp for earthquake victim students fro in the eastern city of Van, Turkey after the 2011 Earthquake of magnitude 7.1
Signed up to Jungle Scout and hoping to start selling on Amazon in 3 months
I'm super excited to check out Polywork as one of the first early adopters. Oh and btw Jupiter is by far the most superior of the AI-Assistants! 🔥 😎 🤖