Jan 2024 - Present
Pablo Berganza
- @pabloabc
- The Netherlands
- he/him
Aug 2022 - Dec 2023
Front End Engineer, Lemonade
Jan 2021 - Jul 2022
Software Engineer, Ravn
Jun 2018 - Jan 2021
Software Engineer, Applaudo Studios
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https://felte.dev">Felte now supports validation with https://vest.vercel.app">Vest! I feel so happy to see people finding Felte useful and willing to contribute to it for the benefit of all 🥰
Rewrote and redesigned my personal website using Astro. It was a really pleasant experience! It keeps the developer experience brought by JS tooling while still outputting 0kb JS by default. I brou...
Added the Tooltip component to Solid Reach, only four components left to have the same features as ReachUI (documentation and tests are still missing, though). Our Storybook has been updated as well.
Working on Solid Reach, a port of ReachUI for SolidJS. Accessibility needs to be a main focus when developing any consumer-facing app and I hope this (or other packages) bring more a11y tools/packa...
Things I’ve built
It's been a few years since I last played with Clojure(Script). With the current support for web components on most browsers, I was wondering if this is something that would be easy to take advanta...
Just published a Felte version for Preact! The API is exactly the same as the React version so you can refer to the same docs. The difference is that you would not need to use `preact/compat` or an...
Articles and blogs
Published an article about how to create an assertion library (Chai like BDD syntax) using proxies! You can check it on my site, dev.to or Hashnode.
Version 1.0.0 of Felte has been released! You can read more about it on this blog post! This release comes with many improvements for form handling, better support for field arrays and a new packag...
Wrote about GraphQL and how you might not need a "big" library such as Apollo or URQL for communicating with a GraphQL API: https://dev.to/pabloabc/you-don-t-really-need-apollo-5hln
Wrote about migrating my personal site/blog to Svelte using Sapper: https://dev.to/pabloabc/svelte-my-new-obsession-399b