Spoke at an event

Intro to DevRel talk followed by slack AMA for Women Who Code

Presented by Women Who Code Career Nav
Speaker: Pachi Parra

Career Nav is thrilled to kick off 2022 with a conversation about transitioning into tech and to Developer Relations positions.  Developer Relations roles are increasing everywhere from startups to more traditional software firms. If you love code, community and content, DevRel might be right for you.

Join us for a talk with Pachi Parra (@pachicodes), Developer Relations Engineer at New Relic, to hear about her day-to-day as a Developer Relations Engineer, how she got into tech and what she means by "community-taught" coder.

"Pachi works as Developer Relations Engineer at New Relic and is a Streamer and Co-Founder of Feministech, an online community for Brazilian women and non-binary tech content creators.

Her passions include community building, hyping her friends, and live coding on Twitch."

Follow Career Nav on Instagram: www.instagram.com/wwcodecareernav

Follow Pachi on all platforms (especially Twitch!) @pachicodes