Learnt Python
Wondered about the weight ratio of an African Swallow to a coconut
Day 3 focused on basic control flow with; if/elif statements, nested if statements, and logical operators. 

My project for the day was to make a simple choose your own adventure game, here is the result! As always the project is linked in replit if you want to try it out

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print("Welcome to Treasure Island.")
print("Your mission is to find the treasure.")

crossroad = input("You\'re at a cross road. Where do you want to go? Type "'left'" or "'right'" \n")

if crossroad.lower() == "right":
    lake = input("You\'ve come to a lake. There is an island in the middle of the lak. Type "'wait'" to wait for a boat. Type "'swim'" to swim across.\n").lower()
    if lake == "wait":
        color = input("You arrive at the island unharmed there are three doors, one red one blue, and one yellow. Which color do you choose?\n").lower()
        if color == "red":
            print("When you steop into the room you fall into a bottomless pit. Game Over")
        elif color == "blue":
            print("The room locks behind you and you are attacked by killer teddy bears. Game Over")
        elif color == "yellow":
            print("You have found the treasure. You win!")
        print("As you swim across, a pack of man eating otters attack you. Game Over")
    print("You have walk down road left of the fork where waiting for you is a honey badger, it eats your face off and you lose.")