Articles and blogs

Introduction to WP-CLI Learn the most useful commands that will help you better manage your WordPress installation, themes, and plug-ins.
Building static WordPress with Static HTML Output and Buddy Learn how to configure Buddy to turn your WordPress site into a static site with the Static HTML Output plug-in and Buddy CI/CD. https://...
Automating WordPress deployment to Strattic hosting with Buddy Learn how to deploy WordPress code from a Git repository to Strattic in a couple of steps with Buddy CI/CD.
Different approaches to WordPress Unit Tests with Buddy Learn the different approaches to Unit Tests in WordPress and how Buddy can help you automate.
Creating a Staging Environment for WordPress with the help of WP Migrate DB Pro Learn to create a WordPress staging environment and automate data migration with Buddy.
Jamstack deployment with GitKraken and Buddy A followup to our webinar with GitKraken, this guide will show you how to test and stage your NextJS website before deploying it to Netlify. https://bud...
Releasing plugins and making them updateable using Git Updater and Buddy A comprehensive guide to release automation of in-house plugins with Git Updater and Buddy.
Introduction to Astro More static, less JavaScript! Use Astro to easily bulid sites with less client-side JavaScript
Introduction to Statamic Learn the basics of Statamic, a Laravel-based WordPress alternative, how to build and deploy it with Buddy, and easily convert the website to static.