Created framework
framework requirements:

- split desktop similar to the application
- possibility to control the layout on the fly - show, hide, zoom in, zoom out
- minimization of client-server communication during work 
- clear structure on the server side
- access controlled via AD 
- no redrawing of already displayed content when reading "subpages" .. no flashing
(it is debatable whether to talk about sub-page here, maybe is better say form or report)
- menu constantly available 
- show where I am and who I am 
- central variable store
- local variable store for the current "sub-page"
- central control by one script 
- all other are dynamic scripts ... clean up after each other when the "subpage" is finished .. when her user left
- use of common central libraries in JS ... objects
- objects can be combined in different ways 
- all objects managed only by parameters => no inheritance, no additional functionality added by inheritance
- communication with server side only AJAX, POST, JSON
- modal windows, formulars .. at least 2 levels
- charts
- datetimepicker with positioning
- tabs
- messages .. errors, warnings, information
- complex tables => tables in tables .. classic HTML tag table is slow ... paging, filters, sorting, row, cell, column selection, text rotation, colspan
- file gallery, image gallery, EXIF
- data processing, import .. CSV on client ... to AJAX server with already processed data
- export CSV, XLSX creation on client
- multilingualism = translations
- no work with HTML templates, all is created by using JavaScript a jQuery => no spaghetti code