Paula Potgieter
  • @paulapots
  • Cape Town

Hello there! Thank you for taking the time to visit. I'm Paula Potgieter, the Partnership Guru at Ditto Jobs.

Throughout my 7-year career in sales and marketing across various industries, I've become adept at connecting the dots and achieving outstanding results. At Polywork, my role is akin to a skilled weaver, blending experiences and skills to create fruitful collaborations.

If we haven't teamed up yet, I'd love to change that! Simply click the "COLLABORATE" button, and we can start the magic of collaboration.

Feel free to reach me at, and together, we can make a significant impact! Want to witness the power of Ditto Hire in action? Schedule a personalized demo with me here:

Thank you for visiting my Polywork profile. I'm excited to work together and create something amazing! Let's make a difference! 🎉

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Jul 2023 - Present

Partnership Manager, Ditto Jobs