Craig Vincent Jr.
  • @plvxid
Peace, Love, and Create! My name is PlvXid (pronounced Placid) and I'm a  artist from Chesapeake, VIrginia. I've always loved music and I've been rapping since I was 12, although my mom says it was earlier than that 12, is when I was actually able to compose songs. Although I was rapping at 12 I didn't take it serious until my senior year of high school when me and my group of friends got our rap group featured in the schools yearbook! Since then I have released now numerous projects amd landed two major features from Noname & Raz Fresco! My goals are to be financially stable from doing what I love, making music, while maintaining full control of my creative process. I also want to build a big fan base that I am able to inspire and connect with. Hopefully you guys become one of those fans after you take a listen. 

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