Volunteered with Friends of the Mount Vernon Trail
Another Saturday, another opportunity to make the Mount Vernon Trail safer. Today we worked on Bridge 28, just south of the Washington Marina in Alexandria. This is the same bridge that FoMVT holds their annual Fireflies, Bats & Beavers walk on, and yes, there is a family of beavers living there.

We had a great team of twelve volunteers who showed up bright and early at 0700. We power washed the slippery grime from the southernmost third of the bridge with the help of Mr. Greg from the National Park Service; and opened up sight lines, cleared overhanging branches, and removed overgrowth on the sides of the trail between the bridge and the marina. Judd, our president, showed up with a new battery-powered extension chainsaw that made easy work of the overhanging branches. All in all, a solid morning's work. Got lots of thank-yous from the trail users, and talked to a few folks who stopped by to ask about us. 

I love this group. Was saying to my wife this morning how much I appreciate working with a team that so naturally creates a sense of belonging and accomplishment. And nothing beats working on the Trail early in the morning. 

If you're reading this and live in Northern Virginia or DC, please consider joining us at a future event or making a donation, at https://mountvernontrail.org.

( edit 20210912 - badge updated )