
I love getting to support cool projects, especially in the NFT and AI spaces!!! At Lore, we are engaging GPT-3 to help humans write stories and poems in a round-robin format between humans and AI. ...
Im overjoyed to have landed my first role since pivoting out of clinical healthcare! I am now the Growth Data Analyst for Nearpod! What better way to keep contributing to a better world than to joi...
I just completed my first Express.js API for my #PropelProjects group project! I am beyond stoked and can't wait to reach new goals! You can follow the project on github as I #BuildInPublic. https:...
One more step on my journey into data and healthtech! I got my CSM cert this weekend!
3 days into #66daysofdata and I'm loving it. Statistics and SQL abound!
Attending the Responsible Tech Summit today! Super exciting to see people focusing on integrity as we rocket into a world that is driven completely by data!
YAY! I am now officially a Data Analyst for the Scott Coopersmith Stroke Awareness Foundation! Now to help our organization optimize our growth and impact!
Today, I am grateful to be able to wade through the discomfort of being bad at chess while I study and practice to be a better chess player. Huzzah! Also, thanks to Jessi for sparking this growth!
Attended the Data Science Go seminar on Data Processing and a look at the Unified Star Schema method. Really interesting approach. Thanks to Francesco Puppini!
On a kick now! AWS has the AWS Summit Online going on this week and I am going to eat up some sessions on ML/AI!