Prabhat Dhar
  • @prabhatdhar
I am passionate about scaling digitally innovative solutions that I believe every human should have access to and those which tackle the world's largest challenges. Today that finds me at Headspace where I lead our healthcare business development & partnership efforts focusing my time on scaling our strategy in this space while in alignment with our company’s mission to improve the health and happiness of the world.

If you're unfamiliar with Headspace, this podcast is a great and inspiring listen:

The reason I joined Headspace is I believe meditation, mental wellness and mindfulness are far too often ignored in the human journey. The current statistics on mental health in particular are alarming when you look at the shortage of resources, the prevalence of illness, and the general lack of awareness as well as support structure and stigmatization surrounding it. I believe Headspace has the opportunity to dramatically shift this for the better through the work we do in healthcare and I'm grateful to be at a company with such an important vision considering the fact that I am someone who has greatly benefited from the product in my own life experience.

Having expertise in various commercial aspects, I've spent the majority of my career working for technology driven companies in the healthcare space. I currently hold a Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering as well as Minor in Business Administration from Boston University and an MBA from The Haas School of Business, University of California Berkeley.

Outside of Headspace, I love connecting with and learning from those focused on their own personal and career growth. As someone who started at the bottom of the "sales ladder" and grew my way up - I know the amount of time, dedication, effort, energy, and resilience it takes. At the same time, I believe growth is an everyday mindset so don't hesitate to touch base with me if I can be of help or vice versa.

Finally, if you're an underrepresented individual or know someone that might be looking for help in furthering their career from a commercial lens or pursuing a MBA please also connect with me. I dedicate a portion of my time to helping those that may not have had the fortunate privilege and luck that I did growing up, as I believe in leaving the world a more empathetic, equitable, and inclusive place.
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