Contributed to open source
All Hands are such a part of Mozilla and at its core is the goal of bringing people together. Any Mozilla event is special, but to gather people for a dedicated week of in-person time is awesome.

It would be very easy for a virtual event to just be a string of video calls but at Mozilla, we like to go one step beyond that. We all know that video calls can be very tiring, so the plan for the All Hands event was to make use of the Hubs platform – a VR space where we could talk and interact in addition to Zoom calls. 

The core of the All Hands was over three days and the time shift was kind on those of us in Europe. There were demonstrations of new products and technologies, plenary sessions, community updates, and chances to chat and share ideas. I tend to be very busy at Mozilla events and I was once again double-booked for sessions as I was trying to fit in both Support and Mozilla Reps community meetings.

The event itself was a success and it did bring people together. As contributors, we were given virtual stickers to decorate our desktops with – and it really helped me to think I was at the event. Although the “week” was shorter, it felt like I was at a live event, and having the chance to speak to so many people was really special. I will have fond memories of talking to a contributor from Mexico and his young son in Hubs. Even virtually, contributing to Mozilla is still magical.