Of all the events I have volunteered at, the biggest by far has been the London Marathon. I have been in a Deputy Sector Manager (or near equivalent role) since 2009 looking after three miles of the route. 40,000 participants over 26.2 miles of the world's biggest cities, it is an epic undertaking.

As with any event, planning is important. My role is mobile, so I need to make sure I have everything with me that I could need, but at the same time not left encumbered by too much. I also need (working with the Sector Manager) to make sure that we have a plan in place for the day as the more that we prepare for, the better able we are to rapidly adjust on the day to “surprises” as they occur.

London on Marathon weekend is an extra special place to be. Maybe it is the blue line on the road, the barriers stacked up ready to be deployed, maybe it is the road closure signs heralding what is to come. More probably it is the influx (understandably muted this year) of runners, supporters, spectators and charities.

The day is long and hard work, but having runners (proudly wearing medals) say thank you as you are on your way home makes it very worthwhile.