
It's #Hacktoberfest , baby! Here's a little contribution just so it doesn't go by unnoticed! An accessible accordion webblock, HTML and CSS only!
Finally reworked the styling of my personal website. Might be a little quirky, but this is the place for me to experiment with possibly "non-commercial" looks and themes. We all know it's just a ma...
Migrated my personal website to 11ty! It's super pleasant to use and I made sure I used 11ty-image for image optimization. A few tweaks and I managed to make a nunjucks shortcode to optimize images...
I was part of a team of four women and we submitted a project for the TechTogether Chicago hackathon! It was really fun to brainstorm what the project should be, what resources we'd use, what acces...
Over at 100devs we got started on JavaScript today. It felt good to "put faces to names" to some concepts I'd been vaguely familiar with. On one side, I can tell this will be a long and hard journe...
There was a great workshop on Figma and I decided to try it. Turns out it's actually fun and super intuitive, and it helps me have something to look forward to when the barebones HTML/CSS is in the...
TechTogetherMiami was a blast! An intense weekend even if was online. What I like the most is learning about things - like blockchain, UX/UI, games - that could become a path, but even if they don'...
Had a first Zoom meeting with the other member of the team to discuss our ideas for the website redesign project. Talked about our strengths and weaknesses, outlined a general plan and timeline. An...
The next 30 weeks will be intense. There will be joy, there will be tears, there will be tons of learning - about code, about networking, about myself. But more than anything, there'll be support f...