Articles and blogs

Protocols for Usability Testing By balancing our evaluations and experimentations between analytics and UX methodologies we can get a better understanding of both our overall user-base and a subset...
How Design Influences the Emotional Value Design takes on an important part in affecting the human perception and the first impression. However, design can only partially improve the usability of a...
Design users brain conform Due to the enormous increase of information in our society, it is not a surprise that our future is getting more and more complex. Every day we face a greater amount of i...
Every information process thrives on prioritization Our body’s physical condition requires us to prioritize. Out of the 30–100 million bit/s of available information, we can only consciously percei...
Looking around in 3D Higher resolution. Lower latency. More polygons, more pixels, more motion controls, more, more, more. “Fiction is an ancient virtual reality technology.” ~ Jonathan Gottschall”...
Ten laws of Choice Theory I was listening to my daily podcast and suddenly heard a term – Choice Theory. Immediately I started to dig deep about the term what I heard. In return, I found out that i...
A Chronicle of VR History When VR systems first emerged from university research laboratories and were offered to industry as a revolutionary design and visualization tool, it was very difficult to...
Protocols for Usability Testing By balancing our evaluations and experimentations between analytics and UX methodologies we can get a better understanding of both our overall user-base and a subset...