Joined Polywork
👋 I’m Ramon 

(1) Creator (digital products, micro-courses, and cohorts)
(2) Coach (35 yrs, 18k+ clients)
(3) Community (coworking mastermind, niche association)
(4) Copywriter (100+ welcome emails, Twitter threads)

Background: 35 yrs as a life coach, making a living online since 1999 with coaching, micro-courses, memberships; 3x founder/co-founder/CEO in publishing and wellness

Little-known fact about me: I write Hallmark-style romance novels and movies with a partner under a pen name

Build In Public Projects:

(1) turn your knowledge from life/work/client experience into a high-value micro-course in about 5 hours

(2) Atomic Threads Action Class: make your first or next Twitter thread using a framework based on 1,000 top threads (Aug 2021)

(3) Focus and Flow Action Class: simple productivity method and daily plan tool based on The Super Habit™; get your head above the busy, align daily priorities with big goals, move the needle in what matters without overwhelm, finish the day feeling accomplished, and wake up without dread

Curious? Just started a “Public Build Journal on Notion”

People seek my help to: set daily priorities, turn knowledge into a product/course, build a client-based business, enroll clients with initial strategy sessions, create freebies people love and share, write story-style email sequences that sell without the hype, build productivity workflows to make consistent progress without overwhelm

Companies also hire me to speak remotely and in-person (named top 21 in business motivation in a national magazine)

Let’s connect and support each other!!!
AMA, DM here or Twitter, or grab a time to talk → Calendar
