Windows Server 2019
Wrote technical documentation
Worked on migrating DHCP server
Found out about powershell one-liner
Used PowerShell
Got the task of migrating the DHCP from one DC to another (different domains) and started by doing it manually, which helped me get a grip on things at first, but was rather tedious. As it turns out there is a god damn Powershell one-liner for that. LOL 

God damn: 
Export-DhcpServer -ComputerName "" -File "C:\exportdir\dhcpexport.xml"
Import-DhcpServer -ComputerName "" -File "C:\exports\dhcpexport.xml" -BackupPath "C:\dhcpbackup\"
Happy I found it though, will probably come in handy in the future! :)

Am also using ( for documentation and it looks LIT! 

TBH the most creativity I get as  Sysadmin / IT Support is creating the documentation on things with funky color ways...or by customizing my terminal anyway :D

Don't get me wrong, I get plenty amounts of freedom regarding how to do certain technical tasks, but I really am a visual person/learner and quite miss designing things and playing around with color.  

That's it for now, Cheers! :)