
Say hello to Hardal! 🌭 Now you can join our early access list to beta. https://usehardal.com/ I've been building my own web analytics tool for about 3 months. I basically planned and tested with Ha...
Ready to #web3! How to send an image from Unsplash to IPFS? 🖼 In this guide, you'll learn how to send an image file from URL to #IPFS using ipfs-http-client and Nextjs 🔗 Demo 🔗 GitHub repository ht...
Build Your Serverless SQL Generator App Using GPT-3 and Next.js ⚡️ I just published my new blog post. In this guide, you'll learn how to create a simple #serverless app which is creating SQL querie...
I'm certified with Apple Search Ads.
I rebuild my website from Gatsby+Netlify to Next.js+Vercel. The first impression is build time, it takes 40% less. ⚡️ And also I'll publish this repository as an open-source boilerplate. Keep in to...
Remarketing with Cookies! 🍪 Rewrite your multiple landing pages and cookies for UTM campaigns. raufsamestone.com/remarketing-with-cookies
Measure User Flows with Chrome’s (v97) Recorder • Automate your GTM events • Export to Puppeteer your records https://www.raufsamestone.com/user-flow-recorder
I built a game for designers to identify fonts, mostly Google Fonts. 🎲 Foont.co It was voted as the #4 product of the day on ProductHunt. Developed with React.js and Tailwind CSS.
This simple solution is mostly using NetlifyForms for different event post-based serialize sign-up forms in React. https://www.raufsamestone.com/netlify-form-dynamic-titles
How to push your users browser contrast ratio data to Google Tag Manager for UX and accessibility measurement? https://www.raufsamestone.com/gtm-contrast-ratio