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Asian American
My mind is blown away by the amount of views one of my reels is getting on Insta.  The very reel I was so hesitant and nervous of sharing because as an Asian American – or rather as an Asian who wasn’t born and raised in an Asian country – I was taught to hold my tongue, not make a scene, and to fit in.  

I didn’t realize people would still be watching this reel or liking it for that matter.  A part of me cringes because “uh-oh, people” and another part of me jumps for joy because nothing trumps the feeling of being heard and feeling like my voice actually matters. 

It feels like a big win for me because for far too long have I struggled to find my voice and to speak up on topics that matter to me. And even though I don’t really know how to navigate writing my take on the Asian American experience, at least I feel like I’ve opened the door for it to happen. 

My anxiety may sometimes deter me from being vulnerable and taking action, but little by little, I hope with time the courage outgrows the anxiety within me.