René Diederich
  • @rened
  • 🔎 Discovering talents | 🔛 Connecting people | ⛑️ Supporting teams
  • Melsungen - Germany
  • he/him
🔛 Bringing people and Aareon together | 🔎 Discovering and unleashing talent | ⛑️ Supporting teams.

In my former life as a human resources and management consultant, I was often annoyed by ineffectiveness. One is constantly busy, but the actual work remains undone. That had to change, and so began my interest in agile topics.

Well-trained junior employees are a significant cornerstone for company development. With my acquired knowledge, I seek them out and promote the development of young and experienced employees through consulting and coaching in times of digitalization and increasing specialization.

The agile method is secondary and in any case must fit the team to achieve amazing results through innovation. I combine employer branding with various candidate management and acquisition strategies to help companies achieve key business objectives.

Those who choose to work with me bring a strong competitor on board - and argue I can. I see it as my job to move teams forward and protect them against disruptive influences. In doing so, I can also become uncomfortable, but of course I always remain civilized. In the end, the team, management and I always pull together, find effective compromises and do excellent work.
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