Tiffany Ford 🧙‍♀️⚡️
  • @rhysma
  • Educator | Developer | Project Manager | Maker | Techie
  • Missouri
  • She/Her
CS professor, AWS Ambassador, Twitch Affiliate, Upwork Success Partner. Speedrunner. Can't hold still.

I have spent the last several years in higher education where I gained extensive knowledge of curriculum development and have worked to develop content for online learning. I have over 10+ of higher education leadership experience.

Prior to working in education I worked in IT and software development roles. I love working on new things and exploring emerging technologies. Some of my projects include:
• Live development and technology education happening on Twitch -
• I have a YouTube channel where I teach people how to code  -
• I am a lover of cars and car tech. I have given presentations on how electric cars work and programming for autonomous vehicles.

I love learning new things and meeting new people; you can find me at tech MeetUps or hanging out at a local cafe. Feel free to message me if you’d like to chat!
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