Rafael Mazuz
  • @rmazuz
  • Advanced Wound Care Operator | Advisor | Investor
I'm an executive, advisor, and investor focused on the advanced wound care space: Products, services, and technology that help the body to prevent, manage, and heal complex and difficult wounds.

I primarily do this via:

Diligence Wound Care Global - An authority business providing strategic advisory for wound, skin, and related regenerative medicine companies. We serve most of the top global wound care product brands, many leading investors, and dozens of the most innovative startups / clinicians / scientists in this space.
Advanced Wound Care Global - A venture to develop, equip, manage, and empower ultra modern, value based advanced wound care delivery in areas of the world where the need and opportunity are greatest.

Wound Care Global Holdings - A vehicle to deploy a combination of expertise and capital to wound care businesses for whom our participation will generate substantial value.

Additionally, I contribute to key publications (peer reviewed and commercial), speak and moderate at major industry conferences, and serve on the editorial advisory board for Today's Wound Clinic. My commercial activities are definitely laser focused on this exploding sub-segment of healthcare. 

On a personal level, I enjoy swimming, water polo, and  other water activities. In a typical year, I travel to at least three or four continents.
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Jan 2020 - Present

Principal, Wound Care Global Holdings LLC

Oct 2012 - Present

Managing Director, Diligence Wound Care Global LLC

Jan 2019 - Present

CEO, Advanced Wound Care Global LLC

Oct 2019 - Present

Advisory Board Member, Corstrata