Robert Nuorteva
  • @roba
  • Software Developer / Designer
  • Helsinki, Finland
I'm a hybrid developer/designer working on tools that help increase well-being on our planet.

→ What I'm doing now:

Working on an impact data platform that measures the net impact of companies and makes impact data easily understandable for anyone. In a world of greenwashing and false ESG metrics, we need a science-based method that measures impact as accurately as possible and makes that insight actionable.

→ Skills and experience:

My core strength as a (web) developer is being very design-driven. I'm able to go from problem to designing a solution and developing it to the pixel so that the thing feels great to use.

Daily tools I use: TypeScript, React, Styled Components, Node.js, PostgreSQL, REST APIs, Figma
Tools I've used before: MongoDB, GraphQL

→ Outside of work:

I care a lot about meditation, mental health, and tools that help us flourish together. I write, meditate, read, climb, do yoga, work out, DJ, and organize festivals for fun.
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Mar 2022 - Present

Full-stack Developer & Designer, Upright Project