
Created vitejs based example apps for remote-ui
Fixed messaging race-condition bug in remote-ui
Added an option to `dom-testing-library` which allows to set a default selector for ignored nodes when querying for text. https://github.com/testing-library/dom-testing-library/pull/1138
Released wordle-buddy, a bot that automatically solves wordles in a Chrome browser.
Released esm-module-paths. A small npm package that allows quick access to __dirname and __filename in esm modules where those are normally not available.
Gave an internal talk about remote-ui, what we use it for and how it works.
Gave an internal talk about semantic versioning, (yarn) lock files and the danger of duplicated npm packages in frontend projects.
Helped build the Post-purchase checkout extensions which allows Shopify apps to add a post-purchase page directly into the Shopify checkout.
Shipped last-promise, a library that creates a function which will only ever resolve the promise of the latest function invocation. Useful to avoid updating UI with outdated data when a prior debou...
https://github.com/robin-drexler/httsleep httsleep, a service to test delayed requests.
Released exec-ts. Transpiles TypeScript files to JavaScript and executes them.
Shipped a PR that improved styled-component transpilation performance.
Co-authored a feature that would allow jest-preset to be a JavaScript file. Previously, only JSON files were supported.
Added audit to lighthouse which ensures people can paste passwords into password fields.
Fixed a bug in Ruby on Rails which would sometimes cause assets to be loaded multiple times unnecessarily.
Gave a workshop about why and how to build web extensions. https://github.com/robin-drexler/web-extension-workshop
Talk at JavaScript User Group Hamburg. Hops - Universal flexible and extensible React applications Hops is a framework that gets you started quickly with your React application, and also allows to ...
Lightning talk at JavaScript User Group Hamburg. bfcache A talk about the lesser known bfcache. The talk explains what it is, why it is useful and how to tame it.
Talk at Ruby User Group Hamburg Behavior testing at Jimdo This talk covers how we behavior-test the Jimdo website builder application. We will take a look at gems like cucumber and watir-webdriver ...
Lightning talk Why you should deploy HTTPS. Even if user security is not your top priority
First ever talk given at a meetup (in German). Road to CloudPrint How we used Google Cloud Print to create physical issue cards for our kanban boards.
Gave a talk at OPO.JS in Porto. The first time, I was actually invited to give a talk. The rest of the line-up has been incredible, so that was certainly an experience.
Talk at JSUnconf 2018: preconnect, prefetch, preload, pre what? An intro to Resource Hints Every millisecond counts when loading websites. Unfortunately, networks are slow, and while browsers got b...
First "real" conference talk at JSUnconf 2017. 7 Web technologies you might not know yet A brief rundown about potentially lesser known web technologies, including: • subresource integrity • HTTP s...
Co-organized the second JSUnconf in Hamburg.
Co-organized the very first CubaConference in 2016, a conference focused on open source technologies.
Co-organized the first JSUnconf in Hamburg, a BarCamp-style conference about JavaScript, the web and everything else.