Technical advice
Mentored someone
I speak to clients and prospects daily about Workflow.

The top 3 questions we always get are:
1. I think we need a workflow solution, where do I start? πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
2. This sounds complicated, is it? 😩
3. How does X solution differentiate from the other 10x solutions out there? πŸ€”

The first 2 questions are easy:
1. Define your process first. πŸ“
2. We focus on configuration and not customisation, it really doesn’t have to be, let's get some quick wins! πŸ…

The 3rd question can sometimes be a little more involved, just like my mate Augustus Gloop, I see many businesses falling into the chocolate river of choice and unable to swim!

The moral of this story – Be a Charlie not an Augustus!