Built UI components
Launched a new website
Worked on JavaScript and Typescript projects
It's finally done: the new website is online. 

After a lot more work than expected, the final header photos have been the last piece of the puzzle for the MVP.

Of course there are tons of more feature I would like to implement, but it's a fine start. I'm super happy with the result.

I'm always excited about the many people I could collaborate with on the Ready Set Move and Urban Monkeys projects. All these experiences filling my live are invaluable.

For the tech nerds, here's what powers the website:
The basic setup is a #React App based on #MUI for #JSS, Theming and basic components. Everything is optimized for mobile. The site gains speed and seo capabilities by getting prerendered with react-static and rehydrated in the browser.
As far as possible content is tagged following schema.org.
Flow, eslint and Jest together with the awesome testing-library ensure the site is working correctly.
The repo is located at gitlab and gitlab CI takes care auf automated testing, building and deploying the page into a S3 bucket.
In AWS the content bubbles from S3 through CloudFront and Route53.
If you want to have a look at the repo, PM me and I'll send you an invite.

The static rendering with react-static is working smoothly so far, but prevents me from upgrading to React 17 (and thus mui v5). That's ok so far, but I get the feeling support for the lib declines and I'd not recommend it for future projects at the moment.