Rohan Sengupta
  • @rohansengupta
Hi everyone! I am Rohan Sengupta, a freshman CS Undergraduate student.
I have a keen interest in AR/VR as well as Web Development. Currently learning back-end web development with Python framework Flask, have some knowledge about front-end. Apart from that, for my career, I wanna learn and work with real-life AI projects. A lot of streams I want to explore before finding the right one for me.

I have a liking for open-source contributions too. Also practising competitive coding as a beginner, I am a 3-star-coder at Hackerrank, 2-star at CodeChef.

DM me for any kind of collaboration or opportunities. You can also reach me out at

Programming languages: Python, C/C++, Javascript
Markup Languages: HTML, CSS3
Fundamentals: Data Structures and Algorithms.
Frameworks: Flask.
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