
I'm looking to land my next role early this year. Help me get the word out, or drop me some job descriptions! Have a glance at my portfolio here: https://rolandixor.pro/portfolio
Check out my latest on DEV! Achieving backdrop blur without using `backdrop-filter: blur();` (which is not supported out the box in Firefox as yet). https://dev.to/rolandixor/achieving-backdrop-blu...
I've released a new YouTube tutorial! Simple menu buttons using HTML/CSS/JS. Source code is linked in the description. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7heqpyqIdo
Wrote an article about frameworks and libraries. https://dev.to/rolandixor/why-use-a-frameworklibrary-where-regular-css-will-do-2nn5
I'm looking for my next role, preferably web design or writing about web design (focusing on CSS). Any cool places I can look into?
Just wrote another CSS tutorial: https://dev.to/rolandixor/creating-curtains-with-css-87c
Website templates are my current jam. Follow my progress over at https://rolandixor.pro/templates
I wrote a new DEV.to article: https://dev.to/rolandixor/creating-peacekeeper-part-1-themable-background-images-3ep
I'm super excited to check out Polywork as one of the first early adopters. Oh and btw Jupiter is by far the most superior of the AI-Assistants! 🔥 😎 🤖
I'm not saying what it is yet, but watch this space.
Updated my YouTube Channel art at last!
I made tutorial for building a simple toggle button with HTML/CSS and a little JS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1FtLpgeeoM