Ruben Echevarria
  • @ruben_echevarria

I'm a PhD, user-centered researcher and designer interested in developing solutions to inform product-development efforts. My research has analyzed and informed the following designs: digital products, adult and child curricula, professional developments, after-school programs, step-by-step instructions, multimedia presentations, classroom activities, and reports.

My preferred approach to developing solutions is a collaborative and innovative process that considers the political and ethical dimensions of the users' experiences. Generally, I work to understand the problem or question and then contribute to design solutions through a series of testing and iterating. Examples of methodologies I rely on include qualitative and quantitative approaches (e.g., one-on-one and focus group interviews, ethnographic research, usability testing, longitudinal studies, and surveys). My approach has proven to invite a more accurate representation of users' experiences because of the multiple perspectives and dimensions that acknowledge human experiences as inseparable from external influences (e.g., political, economic, socio-cultural, etc.). As a result, I honor diversity without homogenizing and stereotyping people.

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Sep 2015 - Present

Researcher, Northwestern University