Ruja Kiss
  • @rujakiss
  • Kunst Küsst DICH
  • Cologne
I observe, research, discover and live according to the principle "In every problem, there is already the solution" - I am curious. I wake up every morning and am excited about the day. First and foremost, I see myself as a contemporary artist, philosopher and thinker. I am primarily dedicated to words and language transformed into visual sound art. Behind every work is an extensive journey and at the same time, it is never finished and can only be a snapshot. 

On the one hand, our time is so fast that it can make you dizzy. It's just pounding. At the same time, the days repeat themselves like the good old classic "Groundhog Day". And where do we get all our knowledge from? What do we perceive and how do we behave? How do we deal with the media, the World Wide Web, the smart internet controlled by big data, algorithms, and artificial intelligence? And how do we behave ethically? And millions of questions go off with this. And I ask myself again and again - eyes and ears open. 

I had my "coming out" at the Art.Fair/Blooom 2012 in Cologne, where I live and work. From my point of view, art is only possible with full feeling and intensive creative phases, which is why my heartfelt decision to be an artist meant giving up my previously long-standing permanent position at WDR Cologne in the marketing/communications department for WDR, 1LIVE, children's radio (KiRaKa) and TV (Maus), Funkhaus Europa/now Cosmo. 

My media marketing experience and the knowledge of how things work "behind the scenes" is also always a piece of inspiration and part of my art. Technical progress suits me because it opens up endless possibilities for me as an artist to express my impressions and feelings. I am taught and trained in creative techniques, among others at the ARD-ZDF Media Academy. I have spent 15 years working with children, adolescents, and young adults as part of my work at WDR. I pass on my experience in the form of training for adults and media art projects for children and young people. In this way I put together everything I can, everything life has taught me, and create a synthesis of media and ethics. (m)ethics 
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Aug 2017 - Present

CEO, Founder, KISSFRIEND pro (M)Ethik